Monday, November 2, 2009

Kids' School Papers

If your home is anything like mine, the papers that the kids bring home take it over!  No one told me that there would literally be a mountain of paperwork that comes home with *each* kid.  Guess how many pieces of paper the average child will bring home from one school year alone?  Well, I looked it up... and it's 900 pieces.  900 pieces!  Times that by two kids and that's nearly 2000 papers in just one year.  Wow.

When my youngest started Kindergarten this year, in the first month alone, the papers had overwhelmed me.  Not to mention, the dates that I had to remember for this and that, the homework that had to be returned the next day, plus the homework that was due the end of the week.  Oh yeah, don't let me forget about the sports schedules *for two kids*, or what the school happened to be serving for lunch on any random day.

I stared at all their paperwork for a few days until I figured it out! 

This entire system cost me $30!  The dry-erase calendar and cork board were $5 each at Walmart and the magazine bins were $10 each at Office Depot.  I used the 3M velcro to attach everything to the door. 

Only school related information goes on the calendar.  It's nice this way, so my regular family calendar doesn't get too cluttered.  The cork board holds all the miscellaneous stuff that I need to keep track of...lunch menus, master school calendar, any sports sign up sheets, etc.

When the kids come home from school, they know to take everything out of their backpacks and put it in their own bin.  They were very excited to draw some pictures to make the space their own!

This was the best thing that I've done for myself in years!  All the paperwork is in ONE place, and off the counters.  Now, I can go to one spot and see everything I need to.

My favorite thing about this little station?  The door closes.  Bye bye papers!

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